Probation 2020 / Dursztyn
From 28 June to 11 July 2015, the in Dursztyn, a meeting of brothers preparing to take perpetual vows took place in the Order of the Lesser Brothers.
The meeting was attended by 14 brothers from four Polish provinces and Ukraine: St. Francis of Assisi – Poznań (2 brothers), Saint. Jadwiga – Wroclaw (3 brothers), Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary – Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (4 brothers), Assumption of the Virgin Mary – Katowice (4 brothers), Saint. Michael the Archangel – Ukraine (1 brother), together with his formators.
Blessed is the servant who would love and respect his brother as much when he is far from him as he would when he is with him and who would not say anything behind his back which in charity he could not say to his face.

Agenda of the meeting in Dursztyn, 28.June – 11.July 2020
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the meeting plan for Probation before perpetual
Planned Events in 2020
The Secretariat for Formation and Studies announces the dates of the planned events in 2020:
28.06.-11.07. Probation before the Perpetual (Dursztyn)
02.11.-05.11. Workshops for guards (Kalwaria Zebrzydowska)
16.11.-21.11. Retreat for formators (Chokes Zdrój)

Congress of the postulants brothers from all provinces
On Mount St. Anna from 10 to 14 February held for the first time a meeting of the postulant brothers from all provinces in Poland. Sixteen brothers and five educators participated in the meeting together. Each day began and ended with the common Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours. The theme of the meeting was the art of communication in the community. On the first day, thematic lectures took place, and in the afternoon a communication workshop conducted by Magdalena Kudełka – Lviv.

Probation 2018 / Dursztyn
The traditional interprovincial probation involving brothers preparing to take perpetual vows will take place in Dursztyn from 1-14 July 2018.
Please send the list of probants and their guardians to the e-mail address hrm.ofm@wp.pl by June 16.
We invite you to see a gallery of photos from this event.

Junior Reunion 2018
This year's junior congress will take place at the Pallotz Missionary Animation Center (ul. Forest 15/17, Konstancin-Jeziorna) from 21-24 May (arrival for dinner, departure after breakfast) and will concern emotional maturity.
The speaker will be Mrs. Magdalena Kolańska, a psychologist working at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Zielona Góra.
The cost of participation 350 PLN / pers.
The deadline for applications is 6 May.
We invite you to see a gallery of photos from this event.
Workshop for formators 2018
Spring workshops for formators took place this year from 09 – 13 April in the retreat house ss. honors in Olsztyn k. Częstochowa (St. Peter's Manor) Anthony; Ul. Kühna 46; 42-256 Olsztyn). This year's theme was about formation towards mature fatherhood.
The speakers were:
– Ewa Kusz (psychologist, sexologist, therapist. She graduated from the SGH in human resources management. She has twice participated as an auditor in the Synod of Bishops (2008 and 2012). In 2004-2008 and 2011-2012 she was president of the World Conference of Secular Institutes)
– o. Józef Augustyn SJ – well-known retreatist, spiritual director, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the quarterly magazines: "Spiritual Life" (2001-2014) and "Pastores" (1998-2002), animator of Ignatius retreats, author of many articles and books on spiritual life and Christian pedagogy.
Therefore, it is a great shame for us, servants of God, that while the saints [actually] did such things, we wish to receive glory and honor by [merely] recounting their deeds.